Menka Stacy Piccolo
Stacy Menka Piccolo is currently completing her RYT500 with Meditation in Motion. She has participated in and assisted many programs at AYI including Yoga Teacher Training, Dancing as the Divine Feminine, Wellness Weekend, and Dancing Mindfulness. She has been a resident at AYI for the past two years and has completed the Seva Lifestyle Program, providing service to the community in various departments.
Stacy Menka feels extreme gratitude to be on this path of self-discovery and healing. Her spiritual practice revolves around feeling and being with intense Human Emotion in order to discern the appropriate deliberate action to take. Her sadhana is to relate in a clear and conscious way with others in order to grow and support each other to learn the art of living a fulfilled life. Solid and empowered communication allows her to express herself authentically as she explores the science of the soul in embodied form. Managing and nurturing the Energy she embodies is a daily practice, occurring in each passing moment.
She is passionate about “Evolutionary Love Relationships” which widen the scope of the collective understanding of relationship to include many different types beyond the traditional.
Stacy Menka also supports and advocates for those who wish to navigate the process of coming off of psychiatric medication.
Living with these intentions, her mission is to empower women as they make a profound inner connection to their bodies at this time of the Rise of the Feminine.
She is an artist by nature and has studied in the areas of fashion & jewelry design, mathematics, education, hairstyling, yoga, spiritual practice, and dance, in order to manifest her full expression. She enjoys creating avante-garde garments, jewelry (often using mathematical concepts), abstract art using found objects, and painting portraits with hair as her canvas!
Category: Guest Teacher