
500 Hour I AM Yoga® Teacher Pathway

Open Dates
- With Gurudev Shri Amritji, Kamini Desai, Ph.D, Chandrakant and Nirali Lauren McCrea

* These fields are required

1 Program Tuition

Price includes tuition only. Accommodation and meal costs will be paid separately for each program stay.
$5,475.60 – Program Tuition

3 Participant Info

Is there anything that would prevent you from participating without putting you or others at risk during this program? This may include any physical limitations, injuries, relevant surgeries, past or present mental health issues, PTSD, substance abuse, medications or other. Enter "none" if you have no known issues.
If you do not indicate their full name, they will not receive credit or receive associated promotions.
Please read the Responsibility & Liability Agreement and the Protected Materials Agreement here
Codes offering a percentage-based discount apply Lodging. Other prices are not discounted.

4 Donate

Please enter your donation amounts below

5 Payment

You will be asked for credit card details in the next step. Click the button below to continue.