YN Immersion Only

I AM Yoga Nidra™ Immersion (On-Demand)

With Kamini Desai, Ph.D

Open Dates

Sleep Meditation: Rest, Recharge and Recreate Your Life from the Inside Out Utilizing the practice of I AM Yoga Nidra™ this Immersion provides a unique and transformative map to life mastery where we lay out the ancient spiritual foundations of Yoga Nidra including the Kleshas, Koshas, Turiya and the science behind the brainwaves to understand […]

I AM Yoga & Yoga Nidra Immersion Bundle

With Nirali Lauren McCrea and Gurudev Shri Amritji

May 17 - 26, 2019
June 11 - 16, 2019
Amrit Yoga Institute

  Our summer immersion program is designed to catalyze your practice. In between modules, you are on reprieve to cultivate and nurture your personal practice while applying the I AM Yoga® tools to everyday situations. Upon return, our retreat-style I AM Yoga Nidra™ course will provide the framework for even deeper understanding, integration and profound […]

I AM Yoga Certification & Yoga Nidra Immersion Bundle

With Nirali Lauren McCrea and Gurudev Shri Amritji

June 11 - 16, 2019
July 19 - 28, 2019
Amrit Yoga Institute

Note: Prerequisite I AM Yoga® Immersion I AM Yoga Nidra™ Immersion Retreat: June 11-16 6 Day Retreat- Philosophical, psychological and biological foundations of Yoga Nidra and its practical applications in your life Ideal for those who want to explore the power of Yoga Nidra and experience entry into “Zero Stress Zone”. The immersion provides in-depth information and […]