Level 2 Teacher Training

I AM Yoga® Advanced: Meditation in Motion - Full Training

With Chandrakant and Indu Heather Arena

November 1 - 10, 2019
February 14 - 23, 2020
Amrit Yoga Institute

Meditation in Motion Consciously Cross Over From Physical Yoga To The Yoga of Prana Using the lens of correct knowledge and direct experience, this Immersion transforms yoga sadhana into a yogic way of life attuned to the energetic expression of the vital life force of prana. This advanced training builds on the I AM Yoga™ […]

I AM Yoga® Advanced: Meditation in Motion - Full Training

With Indu Heather Arena, Ramdas Ormond and Hasu Marney Coulter

October 30 - November 8, 2020
February 12 - 21, 2021
To Be Determined (OTR or Online)

Make Everything you do a Meditation in Motion Gurudev Shri Amritiji’s Awakening One January morning in 1970 the life of Amritiji changed forever: “I performed my routine with special concentration that day, gradually becoming more absorbed, and entered a deep meditative state even as my body continued to move. My mind took a back seat, […]